Lone Star Salsa Recipe

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updated: October 6 2006


1. 9 x Romano Tomatoes
2. 2 x Field Tomatoes
3. 1 x Bunch Cilantro/Coriander (they are the same thing)
4. 3 x Jalapeños
5. 3 x Garlic Cloves
6. 1 x Can of Tomato Paste
7. Olive Oil (I use Virgin, no idea why, I just do…)
8. Table Salt
9. Garlic Salt

The Tools you will need:

1. Food Processor - I use one that came with my blender
2. Large Bowl - I use the biggest stainless steel bowl we have
3. Sharp Knife
4. Spatula
5. Garlic Press

The How To:

1. Wash all vegetables
2. First, take your cilantro/coriander and separate about 3-4 "roots" from the bunch
3. Cut the top leafs off and put into food processor with about 1oz of virgin olive oil and blend into tiny chunks (don't puree) and you will need to stop the Food Processor a couple of times and scrape the sides down with the spatula.
4. Dump into bowl and start on Tomatoes
5. Cut the Romano Tomatoes into quarters and put in FP. I can usually get 3 tomatoes into my FP at a time.
6. Now here is the trick, you want these to be blended into small chunks, so what I do is start and stop the PF about 5 times, running it for about 3-4 seconds each time. This should give you the desired consistence you're looking for. 7. Once your done blending the Romano, do the same with the Field Tomatoes, these will quickly turn too much but don't worry about it, this is what make it juicy.
8. Now for the Jalapeños, cut the ends off two of them then split them in half and take out the seeds and stuff.
9. You now want to blend the Jalapeños into little chunks and you will have to stop the FP a couple of times in order to push the big chunks down.
10. Now you can add your 3 cloves of pressed garlic to the mix
11. Now that you have everything blended and stirred up in the bowl, you can now add your spices.
12. I start by spreading a thin layer of table salt over the top of the bowl, and do the same with the garlic salt.
13. Mix it all up and to a taste test, keep in mind that the whole mix needs to sit at least 12 hours for everything to blend and get the full flavour.

RECIPE 2 - From the Lone Star (recipe 1 is better)


1.5 cups - Cilantro
300 oz - Plum Tomatoes
128 oz - Diced Tomatoes
3 cups - Chopped Jalapeños
50 oz - Tomato Paste
3/4 cup - Garlic Salt
1/2 cup - Salt
8 oz - Vegetable Oil

What you'll need:
1 big bowl
1 food processor
1 spatula

Using a food processor:

  1. Chop Cilantro (fine, but not too fine) and add to bowl
  2. Add Jalapeños and chop to desired consistency and add to bowl
  3. Add Salt and Oil to the bowl
  4. Add first plum tomato to processor and chop to desired consistency (I like to leave it slightly chunky so its not as watery)
  5. Empty processor and repeat step 4 for the rest of the tomatoes
  6. Stir in tomato paste if so desired.
  7. For the best flavour, let sit over night.

To make a 500mL batch you will need 3 medium plum tomatoes, 1/2 hot house tomato and 1 jalapeno.